
    my work 11.16.12


    November 16, 2012, 07:15 PM

    I was out there today and cleared away the down tree right before the wood rides on the blue trail.

    Then spent 1.5hrs on the berm at the end of the smaller jumps on 3 sisters and also used the old wood bridge (that has been sitting in the woods for 2 seasons) as a ride and drop right before the newly built berm.

    Sorry I dont have pictures of the berm.  I did, but my SD card got deleted so I lost the photo.  Just go out and ride it and pack it down.



    November 17, 2012, 09:43 AM

    Sorry, I can't quite gather where you did the wood bridge ride/drop.  So on the easy 3 sisters line, right at the bottom where it flattens out, there is now a bridge ride/drop, and you built up the old berm?

    If so, that sounds cool.  I was actually planning on going out and building up that berm, so thanks for the help.  I also plan on building up the jump again that's right after the berm.  My one concern would be that if there is too much of a ramp leading onto the bridge, you won't be able to hit it with much speed without jumping it and landing at the end of the bridge.  In that case you won't be able to carry a lot of speed through the berm and hit the jump at the end(which used to be there and will be getting built up again).  If I'm picturing your bridge location correctly, we'll just have to make sure there's a nice transition onto the bridge so that you can hit it with some speed, ride it and drop, hit the berm, and finish with the jump.



    November 17, 2012, 07:00 PM

    The wood drop in the picture is now gone.  I guess it was not safe and had nails and screws sticking out so it was taken down this afternoon.   :'(
    But I am glad I went out and rode it this morning (along with 3 others that were there) before it was taken down.



    November 17, 2012, 07:05 PM

    We really need a new berm built just after the landing of the (2 sisters) on the left before the downhill section. 
