
    This is a tough time of year.....

    Trail Steward - CamRock
    Trail Steward

    April 02, 2013, 10:17 AM

    We all are itching to get out and ride. The roads are fine. Our trails are not.....In fact a LOT of damage can be done to trails in the next couple of weeks.

    The nightly freezing, with thawing during the day loosens the soil so the surface hard pack, or "armoring" is all broken up. The soil is very loose and soft and very susceptible to erosion. This is not the kind of mud you get on the trails in the summer, where after a rain you can get a slick surface on the armoring, after a rain shower. This is mud. Deep ruts in this type of mud channel water will and have caused major erosion. These conditions will be the case until the night time temperatures stay above freezing.

    Trail conditions at CamRock right now are half bare dirt/mud. Half frozen ice. And 10% still snow covered?! I don't know the other trail conditions but I would guess they are similar. My best guess with the longer range forecast showing improving temps we might be on trails at CamRock in a couple of weeks. Time will tell. Other trails will vary.

    Please check the fancy new CORP home page for trail conditions. We will keep this up to date. We actually want wheels on the dirt as soon as conditions allow. This helps get that armoring on the trail and protects it from later rain events and damage. 

    Thanks for your cooperation and patience this time of year.

    ~ Chuck Hutchens
