Thanks to everyone that came out last night, we managed to get a surprising amount of work done in 3 hours, way more than expected. The entire 10 yards of dirt that the city dropped off was moved by about 10 guys and 4 wheelbarrows, it's all pretty loose so it needs a round of riding/wetting/repairing but overall things are in great shape.
The work to the pump track alone is pretty astounding, the whole thing has been rejuvenated and enhanced to be even better than it's former glory. The big flow line saw a lot of progress too with a huge berm in place now that links up the east side of the park, and a corridor was scouted, cleared, and smoothed in to make a much easier connecting route to the east end of the Roller Coaster.
We'll work on getting two more loads of dirt from the city, one at each end of the park this time, and there is talk of getting a water truck out there to really bring things up a notch.
Really guys, thanks so much for coming out and putting in some solid work, it's impressive what can be knocked out when everyone puts their heads down to get things done. Special thanks to Dan for kicking all this off and working with the city.
Keep an eye out for an alternate site where we'll be coordinating Quarry Park rides/work without causing confusion by piggy backing on the CORP forum like we have been.