
    Quarry Park

    May 31, 2012, 02:58 AM

    I think we should try to stay as distant as possible but be there when necessary if necessary.  Remember, this is the one place in town where we can build and ride whatever we like.


    Former Club President
    I ride bikes

    May 31, 2012, 06:50 AM

    ...for now...

    ~ i like social d



    May 31, 2012, 07:17 AM

    Ya someones been ripping stuff out tim.

    Sent from my Motorola Electrify using Tapatalk 2



    June 30, 2012, 09:10 AM

    coming off as a biker that is extremely fun loving and modest towards the neighborhood at heart and most of the time in action( i can't be perfect all the time), I am at a state of mind where I don't think bikers own Quarry park, that includes me, and I think that everyone owns quarry park, and it's a blessing to have for any kind of activity that embrances nature --which is what quarry park is comparing to roads and houses and stuff that surrouds it.

    I don't know if a non biker knows that, but i hope they do.

    ~ It's not the ride, it's the rider.
    Go big or go home.
    Know what you are up against.
