
    trail conditions

    Trail Steward - The Farm

    December 10, 2014, 11:37 PM

    Went out tonight and rode the south loop in both directions. Because nobody has been riding it, the snow was not packed down making it icy. What snow left out there is hard and crusty making for a lot of rolling resistence. The only section I couldn't ride was up death drop (the steep downhill when you come off the connector). It was pretty slow going, probably took me close to 45 minutes for the 2 laps. I could really feel the effects of not riding the last few weeks. If you're looking to get your legs moving and your heart rate up, this will do it.  ;)

    I didn't bother going over to the north loop. My guess is there will be more snow over there and with the steeper climbs it will be much tougher going.

    ~ Here uncultivated acres wait prime for adventure....back 40



    December 11, 2014, 09:17 AM

    I rode the north loop late last week.
    it was snow/leaf covered then,
    one big tree down and moved a couple little ones,
    had first and second tracks,
    what goes down must come up.
